Éducation Canine Positive et Efficace - Chienalafolie

Positive and Effective Dog Training

Mar 31, 2023

Positive and Effective Canine Education - Firstly, your pet has behavioral problems and you want to educate it and eliminate certain annoying behaviors and promote its socialization? Secondly, to do this, you can call on behaviorists or adopt certain daily habits. In short, how can you understand your animal and perfect its education with caring and effective training for dogs? We give you some keys!

Positive and Effective Dog Training

Being a guide for your animal: An adventure of understanding and love

Ah, the dog! Our faithful friend, always ready to offer us his unconditional affection. Who has never dreamed of such a loyal and loving companion? However, sometimes a little shadow darkens this idyllic relationship: some of us wonder if our four-legged friends are trying to dominate us. Positive and effective dog training will not only allow you to better understand your dog's behaviors, but also to strengthen a bond based on mutual respect, thus eliminating misunderstandings and concerns.

Let's dive into the history of dominance

Historically, to understand where this idea comes from, let's go back in time a little. For example, in the 1940s, Konrad LENZ studied wolves in captivity and concluded that there was a linear hierarchy within the pack. However, this observation has been transposed to our dear dogs. However, ask yourself: are our dogs really the direct descendants of wolves? And if that were the case, why judge our tender companions based on the behavior of their “ancestors”?

The question of dominance between different species

Frequently, how many times have we heard: “My dog ​​growls when he is on the sofa” or “he jumps on me, he tries to dominate me”? In reality, these statements, although common, can lead to training methods based on force or coercion, which are not only harmful to our faithful companions, but also to the valuable relationship we have with them. In fact, the truth is that trust is the foundation of any human-dog relationship. Moreover, the dominance theory, once widely accepted, is now considered obsolete. After all, science has found no solid evidence of dominance between two different species. Can you imagine a horse trying to dominate a goat? It's almost comical! Communication is key. A dog doesn't wake up with the intention of taking over its owner.

Intraspecific dominance (between 2 same species)

The nature of dog relationships is fascinating. Dominance, as defined, is ephemeral, changing depending on each dog's motivation for a resource. For example, when faced with a treat like a rabbit ear, Milo might grab it with a growl, while Taiko might just sit and watch. In this situation, some might say that Milo is "dominant." But change the context, say Taiko hasn't eaten in two days, and the dynamic could reverse completely. This shows how crucial it is not to hastily label a dog as “dominant” or “submissive.” Every situation is unique, just like every dog. Before drawing conclusions, it is essential to observe and understand the signals that our dogs send us.

Positive Canine Education and encouraging the use of treats

First of all, dog training is a rewarding adventure. Then, among the many methods available, positive education, focused on reward, stands out for its effectiveness. In addition, this approach not only strengthens the bond between the owner and the dog, but also boosts the dog's confidence. In addition, it encourages healthy habits such as cleanliness. It should be noted that positive reinforcement is particularly effective if it is introduced from the age of 2 months, a period during which the puppy is very receptive. However, it is essential to understand that learning is an ongoing process. Indeed, even at an advanced age, it is possible to teach basic commands. Finally, although beneficial, the intervention of an expert is not always necessary.

Positive and Effective Dog Training

The advantages of Positive and Effective Dog Training

Positive education, more than a simple method, is a philosophy centered on the well-being of the animal. It promotes learning through respect and understanding, thus strengthening the handler-dog bond. This approach :

  • Strengthens mutual trust: The dog sees its master as a caring guide.

  • Reduces stress: Unlike punitive methods, it promotes a relaxed and receptive dog.

  • Ensures lasting memorization: Dogs associate learning with positive experiences.

  • Offers flexibility: It adapts to each dog, regardless of its age or breed.

Recommended Tools for Positive and Effective Dog Training

Positive education does not require specialized equipment, but certain tools can make the process easier.

  • Clicker: To signal correct behavior.

  • Treats: Small and appetizing for a quick reward.

  • Toys: Some dogs prefer these to treats.

  • Harness and lanyard: Useful for outdoor training.

In short, positive education is a gentle and effective method, strengthening the bond between the owner and his dog while respecting the needs of the animal.

Organization of learning sessions

For effective learning, favor short regular sessions of around 10 minutes, with exercises of 3 minutes each. Let your dog relax between sessions. Rewards, such as treats, petting, talking, and playing, are key to reinforcing desired behaviors.

Three main learning methods

  • By association: Links a behavior to a consequence, positive or negative. Positive education focuses on rewards, while negative reinforcement uses punishments.

  • By imitation/observation: Dogs, as keen observers, may imitate a behavior if they see another dog being rewarded for it.

  • Complex actions: Reward your dog gradually as he gets closer to the desired behavior, increasing the value of the reward with each successful step.

Dog language for better Positive and Effective Canine Education

Positive and Effective Dog Training

Dogs, like humans, have their own language to express their feelings and needs. Understanding these signals is essential for a harmonious relationship. Although barking may seem harmless to us, it can mean alertness, excitement or play for the dog.

A dog's communication is not limited to its voice. Facial expressions, ear movements, the tail or even a growl are all means of expression. By observing and understanding these signals, we strengthen the bond of trust with our companions, because good communication is the basis of a fulfilling relationship.

Understanding dog body language

Dogs express a range of emotions through their bodies. Here are some signs to watch for:

1- Signs of joy and appeasement in dogs

  • Wag their tails
  • Open your mouth
  • Blink
  • Adopt the sphinx position

2- Signs of aggression and discontent in dogs

  • Show teeth
  • Groan
  • Have a straight tail
  • Straighten the hairs
  • Or stare

3- Signs of fear and anxiety in dogs

  • Fold the ears
  • put tail between legs
  • Or avoid eye contact

Better understand canine language through training for dogs

In order to successfully train your dog, regardless of the method chosen, it is important to understand your animal above all. Analyze your dog's behavior and learn his language in order to best communicate with him.

Build a relationship of trust and based on kindness with our different guides and advice and make your companion well educated. Your dog's education must be based on trust, obedience and communication. Pay attention to the signals he sends you. You can now observe your dog and better understand his needs and desires. To increase understanding, call on a behaviorist or an education specialist such as a dog trainer. Through caring and effective training, it will help you better decipher and understand your dog's attitude.

Links to learn more

  1. Wikipedia Dog trainer
  2. Le Monde, Dog training: 10 basic rules to know
  3. Jenny Bourdeaux, Dog Educator | Facebook | Instagram
  4. See all our dog products

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